BusyCal can display a 7-day weather forecast and moon phases in your calendar.
Important Notice: Weather provided by BusyCal is a value-added service and is in fact offered by a 3rd party weather-provider. In the past we used Weather Underground, which shutdown and so we switched to Dark Sky. Then recently Dark Sky has switched off and we've had to switch again. Each time we switch, existing versions connecting to an older service will no longer display weather. The only way to receive weather updates is to ensure you update to the latest version of BusyCal. Weather Services charge a monthly subscription fee that we solely bear (i.e. our customers are not separately charged).
BusyCal can display a 7-day weather forecast and moon phases times in your calendar.
Weather Settings
To display the weather, choose BusyCal > Settings > Weather, select the “Show weather” checkbox, and then select “At current location” or manually enter the ZIP code or city code for your area. You can also choose Fahrenheit or Celsius from the “Temperature scale” pop-up menu.
To display weather at your current location, BusyCal requires access to Location Services. The first time you open BusyCal you should be presented with a dialog asking if you want to grant BusyCal permission to access Location Services. If you did not grant BusyCal access to Location Services at that time, you must do so manually, by going to System Settings > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Location Services and then selecting the checkbox next to BusyCal.
Weather Graphics
You can display the weather graphics in three different formats: Small, Large, or Background; choose your desired size from the “Weather graphics” pop-up menu. When the size is set to Small or Large and you hover your pointer over the weather icon, an extended forecast is displayed. If you click the icon you’re redirected to
Weather Graphics: Small
Weather Graphics: Large
Weather Graphics: Background
Moon Phases
To display moon phases, select the “Show moon phases” checkbox in Weather Settings.
You can display the moon phases in three different formats: Realistic, Symbols, or Astrological; choose your desired format from the “Moon graphics” pop-up menu.
Moon Graphics: Realistic
Moon Graphics: Symbols
Moon Graphics: Astrological
Sunrise and Sunset
The Day and Week views then display shaded areas on the top and bottom indicating the hours of darkness (sunrise and sunset) for your location.